What an awesome night ....
I got in a quick visit with George .... weighed him ... and saw he did a nice growth since December ... he was 39g then and now he is at 49g .... should be nearly as big as he will get .... but we shall see ....
Then I went to get Lucinda for her weigh in .... little concerned since she only gained 2g since the December weigh in ... I will be keeping an eye on her ... maybe try to get them all crickets as soon as I got the money to do so ....
When I went to put her back, she turned around instead ... gave me a look ... and climbed up to my shoulder, looking at me most of the way. She was not wound up, or stressed or agitated like she had been previous times in the past. She was content, calm and happy to be just chilling and hanging out in my hands. She was like that for nearly 2 hours ... going from one hand to the other occasionally ... not worried one bit about nothing .... it was amazing!
They may not purr or make other cute sounds .... they may not cuddle and get playful on the floor ... but my group of gecko crack-heads each have their own unique personalities ... and help me to slow down .... both physically and mentally .... when handling them .... their extreme levels of trust (they don't spazz nearly anymore) that is shown in not firing up but just chilling out so calmly ... makes me smile inside ... I love my critters!