Saturday, February 14, 2015

February 14 2015

Well even geckos have romantic issues ...

I paired up Red and Cosmo ..... thought well, maybe she is playing hard to get .... I know they can geet rough ... like the make will "bite" the female's crests ... but shaking her by the crests? Ummm no ....

That failed romance ended right then & there .... but at least I think Red has got some aggression out of his system ....

On the plus side, I have found that placing panels of black bristle board (gotta love the dollar store!) has helped them all ... the "shy" ones seem to be out and about a bit more with the added protection ....

Now to see if red stays calm .... and if Cosmo no longer freaks out when handled ....

EDIT: spoke with JB Cresties (one of the best sources of help and info out there BTW) ... she said this is actually normal behavior .... so he may get to go play some more ... 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Feb 2015

Well ... new year and new post ...

BK has decided to give up on getting rid of me and my critters ..... so that's a good thing ....

I have left my stress-hole of a job ... and am looking at other places .... wouldn't mind online geek classes but gotta get the funds first ...

Now ... critters ....

It appears Red has reached that age where he NEEDS to let off some steam ... he has gotten into the habit (for want of a better term) of biting my fingers ... hard! Soon as I get the chance and energy I will be cleaning up the females's tanks so Red and maybe Elvis can have some party time .... Red will go with Cosmo and Elvis will visit with Charlie. Those matches seem good based on similar body mass male to female. I have found one store in Napanee that may take any extra babies off my hands .... so we will see .....

Venus has me a bit concerned ... she has been hiding more than anything at night ..... not sure if it simply due to too warm in here ... or she has something going on ... but the last 2 night have been better than the past 3 prior .... I might need to move her tank ... but I am not sure where will be quieter and out of the cat's reach. I already caught Ravyn sitting ON that tank 2x last night ....

Well ... back to poser ....