Sunday, December 27, 2015

End of the Year

What a year ...

Finally got around to doing a weight check on the zoo ... both new members and original crew. I do like the numbers I saw ....

It appears the diet for Sylvest'r is working, and Elvis has finally gained weight. Lady M did a big jump in weight so she may need more diet time. The smallest weight gain was Ghost with only 1g since July, and the 2 biggest are Lady M with a 12g gain and Elvis with a 15g gain.

They all seem at good weights for breeding pairs, and the new additioms are doing well too. Dean is the only one who will maybe be ready for breeding, but Sam may be not yet ready until next season (2017) along with Gomez and Morticia.

I just need to track down an incubator ......

Thursday, August 13, 2015

August 13, 2015

So .... updates ... let's see....

I had a meeting with PELA business group about funding for Katt's Kritters. It went ok ... learned a few things, got some positive feedback and info, but also got some not so nice to hear info. But all is not lost ... watch this space! A quick visit at Total Aquatics helped ....

We are up to 4 babies, and 4 more eggs in the incubator. The next two are due to hatch by the end of this month, and Cosmo should lay her next 2 egg clutch around the 20th. I figure she will have a clutch in Sept, maybe one in October but more likely not. In the new year, I may or may not breed her. I might give her a break. I am definately going to try Ghost and Lucinda either way. Those two should make some  beautiful pattern babies.

I am debating pairing up Max and Charlie, or of I should try Red and Sylvester. We shall see....

Well the point tonight was sleep ... destress (still got rent issues) .... so I best get to that. I did spend some hands on time with Lucinda, which was good. It went smooth, even though she was determined to climb up onto my shoulder. Since I was not in the mood to hunt an escape, she was never up there long. I mean, who really wants to panic and hunt for a crestie? Seriously....

Sunday, August 2, 2015

August 2nd 2015

Well there are now 4 babies .... and OH so cute! Check them out on Facebook or the website at Katt's Kritters (nursery)  to follow as they grow ... and become ready for new homes!

More babies to come too ....

Last week I tried to focus on Lucinda by giving her a fair bit of hands on time. It worked out pretty well, as she got more calm each time.

This week it will be Sylvester .... who does not have MBD ... she is just a chubby gecko. I have been trying to give a bit less or a bit watery food ... to her and also to Lady M. I will be monitoring to see if it is working, as well as some "exercise" with hands on time ....

Time to go feed the zoo .... !

Sunday, July 12, 2015

July 12 2015

So ... after much sweat and muscle, I managed to move the geckos into the spare room ... tanks and all .... and move the stuff from there out to the area where the tanks had been. This is all in the hopes that I can run the breeding as a side venture since there is no way to make it my sole income.

Either way, being overly beat, I will say I shifted their feeding off a night.

It was nice to see the babies came out of hiding with the darker room.... I saw them both out and around when I turned on the light to water them all down for the night.

I am hoping the cat and the geckos can share that room in peace ..... she seems a bit miffed and put off .... or mayne sheis worried she is loosing her spot ....

Friday, July 10, 2015

July 10 2015

Well .... time for some updates.

This week we have had 2 babies hatch .... one Monday and the other Tuesday. They have been named Squeekers and Skeeter for now. As of today the one is 3 inches long, and Skeeter is about 2 and 3/4 inches long, nose to tail.

According to staff at the local PetSmart, I should be able to sell them for about $60 - $75 each. We shall see though, as I am waiting until they are a month old first.

I am surprised to see my improvised incubator actually reading 72 F today since the last few months of use have had it at 70F at best. I am hopeful that this will help the other eggs hatch sooner than the first two did.

Last night, while watering them all for the night, I did some hands-on time with all but Mr Horney-toes ... aka Red... since he is in heat again ... and biting. With the weather and such, I am changing up their feeding. Instead of every 3 nights  I will start feding them every 2 nights. Hopefully that will also reduce the fruit flies ......

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Baby #2

And at 109 days ... we have Skeeter ... sharing a space with Squeekers .... I will separate them in a few days ....

Monday, July 6, 2015


Well ... after 108 days (or so) ... the first has hatched!

Meet Squeekers ..... seen here trying to encourage his clutch-mate to come out to play ...

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

June 2015

Well I see I slacked again ... sorry gecko fans ...

So far things have been pretty normal as far as the critter crew goes. I can def say that Ghost has no interest as yet for breeding ... he seems to be younger than I had been advised, and he shows no interest in mating with the females.

Red, on the other hand, has been so far pretty good for breeding. I have gotten 3 clutches from Cosmo since his visit with her, and the first set of 2 eggs should hopefully be hatching anytime soon. I have a keeper all set up and ready.

Charlie finally gave me her first clutch, even though one egg seems to have been infertile. The other looks good, but I plan to do a deep dig thru her tank since she is short 2 clutches that Cosmo did. Red visited her not lomg after he visited with Cosmo. I hope but not to find more eggs in her dirt.

I am going to try to clean at least 2 tanks tomorrow (Elvis and George) as they are past due for a cleaning. I want to try to get an updated weight from them all as well before the two females get gravid again, as it has been a bit since I did a full group weigh in. Yes, I will try to get pics at the same time.

On a different but related note, I am hoping to get a baby translucent veiled  chameleon soon .... and then I will be complete. Also, I heard from Northern Gecko today that they are still keepimg me in mind for the position they posted about. They seemed surprised that I would be willling to move out to Scarborough for it. Hell, why not? The geckos are one of my few passions, so to get paid for tending to them, its a no-brainer.

Amyways, I need to crash .... so goodnight from me, Ravyn, Elvis, George, Lucinda, Ghost, Cosmo, Red, Charlie, Sylvester, Max,  Lady M and Venus....

Monday, April 6, 2015


Finally ... babies are on the way!

I paired up Mr Horney (aka Red) with Cosmo ..... and he had a nice visit .... she was a bit shy at first .... but then they got down to business. Then, since he still had energy to burn off, I paired him with Charlie. He has calmed down a bit, but I think he will be a happy breeding male LOL

And ... I got 2 eggs from Cosmo so far ..... and they look good! It is hard to get a picture to show the shadow shape in the eggs, but I can see wee little ones. I am just waiting for Charlie's clutch, but so far so good. The eggs are only a couple weeks old, so they will have a good 60+ days to go before they hatch.

Yes, I will post pictures then too ....  patience though, kids!

If you look, you can sort of see the shadow in the egg ... they curl around ... but the area I have pointed & circles would be one of the baby's heads .... best I could get ... maybe I can get better in a few weeks ... at this stage they look like "cheerios" in there if anything ....

Gonna be fun!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

February 14 2015

Well even geckos have romantic issues ...

I paired up Red and Cosmo ..... thought well, maybe she is playing hard to get .... I know they can geet rough ... like the make will "bite" the female's crests ... but shaking her by the crests? Ummm no ....

That failed romance ended right then & there .... but at least I think Red has got some aggression out of his system ....

On the plus side, I have found that placing panels of black bristle board (gotta love the dollar store!) has helped them all ... the "shy" ones seem to be out and about a bit more with the added protection ....

Now to see if red stays calm .... and if Cosmo no longer freaks out when handled ....

EDIT: spoke with JB Cresties (one of the best sources of help and info out there BTW) ... she said this is actually normal behavior .... so he may get to go play some more ... 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Feb 2015

Well ... new year and new post ...

BK has decided to give up on getting rid of me and my critters ..... so that's a good thing ....

I have left my stress-hole of a job ... and am looking at other places .... wouldn't mind online geek classes but gotta get the funds first ...

Now ... critters ....

It appears Red has reached that age where he NEEDS to let off some steam ... he has gotten into the habit (for want of a better term) of biting my fingers ... hard! Soon as I get the chance and energy I will be cleaning up the females's tanks so Red and maybe Elvis can have some party time .... Red will go with Cosmo and Elvis will visit with Charlie. Those matches seem good based on similar body mass male to female. I have found one store in Napanee that may take any extra babies off my hands .... so we will see .....

Venus has me a bit concerned ... she has been hiding more than anything at night ..... not sure if it simply due to too warm in here ... or she has something going on ... but the last 2 night have been better than the past 3 prior .... I might need to move her tank ... but I am not sure where will be quieter and out of the cat's reach. I already caught Ravyn sitting ON that tank 2x last night ....

Well ... back to poser ....